New kid in town and the concept is a bit different. Simon Lüchtenborg and Timon Gommer have opened this shop in order to get protein shakes out of the gloomy bodybuilder corner and offer something new for all those fitness freaks out there, the athletes, the clean eaters, the supplement users.
When you enter the store you will actually find that it’s much bigger than it appears to be from the outside. But according to Timon the majority of customers order take away anyway. The interior is stylishly designed and holds many of the design objects that you would find in any other hipper restaurant or café. When moving on to the bar you will see two big boards. One to the left which shows their offering and one in the back which tries to communicate everything they offer in a clear and short and simple manner. So what is it they are offering?
Basically, they have three main pillars: creams, porridges and shakes. While porridges and shakes are pretty much self-explanatory the creams are a bit different. It’s a cream they have developed in order to get a tasty product with a high protein level and few calories. You can choose from six different flavors, four sauces and choose another three toppings. If you are familiar with frozen yoghurt it’s not too complicated although it can be overwhelming when visiting for the first time.
The cream itself is tasty and not too sweet while the texture is the most interesting part about it. Personally, I like it but it gets more and more difficult while you’re fighting your way through the cup. Nonetheless a very interesting product for people who are very conscious about what they eat and especially care about the composition of their meal.
A big cup holds 450ml (15 oz) and I can assure you that you won’t leave hungry and that it holds up for a while. The Schoko Loco Smoothie is also very tasty and rich.
Additionally they offer coffee, ginger shots, protein slush and protein bars.
All in all a very good place to fuel up on your proteins with low calories in a convenient way.
Good job Simon and Timon! Thank you for your hospitality! Best of luck and all the success in the world! I will drop by every now and then.
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